
Short Citation YearAuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
801-820 / 913 show all
Strömberg 19771977StrömbergStrömberg 1977, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show
Strömberg 1978a1978aStrömbergStrömberg 1978A, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show
Strömberg 19841984StrömbergStrömberg 1984, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20072Show
Stronach 20012001StronachSTRONACH. S. 2001. Perceton, Irvine, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2001: 125. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Strydonck et al. 20002000Strydonck et al.Mark Van Strydonck/Anton Ervynck/Cecile Baeteman/An Lentacker, 14C Dating and the Reconstruction of the Sedimentary Environment and Occupational History of Saltés (Atlantic coast, Southern Spain). Environmental Archaeology 5, 2000, 63-71.3Show
Stuckenrath/Lawn 19691969Stuckenrath/LawnStuckenrath, R./Lawn, B. (1969), "University of Pennsylvania Radiocarbon Dates XI, Radiocarbon, 11, l,pp. 150-162.1Show
Stuckenrath/Mlelke 19721972Stuckenrath/MlelkeStuckenrath, R./Mielke, J. E. (1972), "Smithsonian Institution Radiocarbon Measurements VII, Radiocarbon, 14, 2, pp. 401-412.9Show
Stuiver 19691969StuiverStuiver, M. (1969), "Yale Natural Radiocarbon Measurements, Radiocarbon 11 (2), pp. 545-658.8Show
Stuiver/Waldren 19751975Stuiver/WaldrenStuiver, M./Waldren, W. H. (1975), "14C carbonate dating and the age of post- Talayotic lime burials in Mallorca, Nature, 255, pp. 475- 476.19Show
Suchorska-Rola 20062006Suchorska-RolaMagdalena Suchorska-Rola, Stan badań nad wczesną epoką brązu w dorzeczu środkowej Noteci. . In: HENRYK MACHAEJWSKI (Hrsg.), Pradolina Noteci Pradolina Noteci na tle pradziejowych i wczesnośredniowiecznych szlaków handlowych (Poznań 2006) 121-126.3Show
Suddaby 20032003SuddabySUDDABY, I. 2003. Inverness, Southern Distributor Road, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2003: 161. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Switsur/West 19721972V. R. Switsur/R. G. WestV. R. Switsur/R. G. West, University of Cambridge Natural Radiocarbon Measurements X. Radiocarbon 14, No. 1, 1972.9Show
Szydłowski 20032003SzydłowskiMarcin Szydłowski, Topogeneza grupy kościańskiej kultury unietyckiej (Adam-Mickiewicz Universität unpubl. Magisterarbeit 2003).10Show
Tarradell 19641964TarradellTarradell, M. (1964), La necrópolis de "Son Real y la Ilia dels Porros. Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España, 24, Madrid.1Show
Tarradell 19701970TarradellTarradell, M. (1970), "Dos nuevas fechas de C. 14 para Villena y Mallorca, Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, 10, pp. 19-26. 6011Show
Tarradell/Hernández Gasch 19981998Tarradell/Hernández GaschTarradell, M./Hernández Gasch, J. (1998), Son Real. Necrópolis talayótica de la edad del hierro. Catálogo e inventarios. Arqueomediterránea, 3 (I), Universität de Barcelona, Barcelona.7Show
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Tauber 19601960TauberTauber 1960, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show