
Short CitationYearAuthorLong CitationURL 14C dates
581-600 / 913 show all
Valério et al. 20132013P. Valério/ A.M. Monge Soares/R.J.C Silva/M.F. AraújoP. Valério/ A.M. Monge Soares/R.J.C Silva/M.F. Araújo (2013). Bronze production in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: the Late Bronze Age metallurgical workshop from Entre Águas 5 (Portugal). Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(1), 439-451.8Show
Recchia/Fiorentino 20152015G. Recchia/G. FiorentinoG. Recchia/G. Fiorentino, Archipelagos adjacent to Sicily around 2200 BC: attractive environments or suitable geo-economic locations? In: HARALD MELLER/H. W. ARZ/REINHARD JUNG/ROBERTO RISCH (Hrsg.), 2200 BC - Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale). Tagungsberichte des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 12 (Halle (Saale) 2015) 305-319.25Show
Billand/Talon 20072007G. Billand/M. TalonG. Billand/M. Talon, Apport du Bronze Age Studies Group au Vieillissement des "Hair-Rings". In: Burgess, C., Topping, P. & Lynch, F. (eds.) Beyond Stonehenge. essays on the Bronze Age in Honour of Colin Burgess (Oxford 2007) 344-353.1Show
Demolon 19881988P. DemolonP. Demolon. Vitry-en-Artois – Rue des Colombiers. ADLFI. Archéologie de la France -Informations. 1988, 1.0Show
Issenmann/Tranchant/Corrochano/Dubreucq 20172017R. Issenmann/C. Tranchant/A. Corrochano/É. DubreucqR. Issenmann/C. Tranchant/A. Corrochano/É. Dubreucq, La nécropole de Soliers 'PA.EOLE' (14). In: ANNE LEHOËRFF/MARC TALON (Hrsg.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 159-171.0Show
Tecco Hvala 20172017S. Tecco HvalaTECCO HVALA 2017: S. Tecco Hvala, Molnik. Pri Ljubljani v železni dobi. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 36 (Ljubljana 2017).0Show
Valera 20142014A. C. ValeraA. C. Valera (Ed.), Bela Vista 5. Um Recinto do Final do 3º Milénio (Mombeja, Beja)2 (Lisboa 2014).0Show
Buchez et al. 20172017N. Buchez/ M. Deckers/C. Gutierrez/A. Henton/M. TalonN. Buchez/ M. Deckers/C. Gutierrez/A. Henton/M. Talon, Les découvertes récentes de mobilier céramique Bronze ancien-début Bronze final dans le nord-ouest de la France. In: A. Lehoërff/M. Talon (Eds.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 190-226.0Show
Billand/Le-Goff/Talon 20172017G. Billand/I. Le-Goff/M. TalonG. Billand/I. Le-Goff/M. Talon, Evolution of rites and funerary systems during the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the north-west of France In: A. LEHOËRFF/M. Talon (Hrsg.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 133-158.0Show
Lull et al. 20152015V. Lull/R. Micó/C. Rihuete Herrada/R. RischV. Lull/R. Micó/C. Rihuete Herrada/R. Risch, Transition and conflict at the end of the 3rd milennium BC in South Iberia. In: HARALD MELLER/H. W. ARZ/REINHARD JUNG/ROBERTO RISCH (Hrsg.), 2000 BC – Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 2200 BC – A climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world? 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale)13 (Halle (Saale) 2015) 365-407.35Show
Berecki 20162016S. BereckiS. Berecki, The Bronze Age Site from Luduş (Cluj-Napoca 2016).0Show
Valera 20152015A. C. ValeraA. C. Valera, Social change in the late 3rd millennium BC in Portugal. The twilight of enclosures. In: HARALD MELLER/H. W. ARZ/REINHARD JUNG/ROBERTO RISCH (Hrsg.), 200 BC – Ein Klimasturz als Ursache für den Zerfall der Alten Welt? 2200 BC – A climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world? 7. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 23. bis 26. Oktober 2014 in Halle (Saale)13 (Halle (Saale) 2015) 1-20.0Show
Gogâltan 20152015F. GogâltanF. Gogâltan, The Early and Middle Bronze Age Chronology on the Eastern Frontier of the Carpathian Basin. Revisited after 15 Years. In: RITA E. NÉMETH/BOTOND REZI (Hrsg.), Bronze Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the international colloquium from Târgu MureŞ 2nd–4th October 2014 (Târgu Mureș 2015) 53-95.0Show
Bălan/Quinn 20142014G. Bălan/C.P. QuinnG. Bălan/C.P. Quinn, Radiocarbon data of funerary discoveries from Middle Bronze Age settlement at Miceşti-Cigaş (Alba County, Romania). Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica 18, 2014, 119-126.0Show
Gerling/Ciugudean 20132013C. Gerling/H. CiugudeanC. Gerling/H. Ciugudean, Insights into the Transylvanian Early Bronze Age Using Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Analyses: A Pilot Study. In: VOLKER HEYD/GABRIELLA KULCSÁR/VAJK SZEVERENYI (Hrsg.), Transitions to the Bronze Age. Interregional Interaction and Socio-Cultural Change in the Third Millennium BC Carpathian Basin and Neighbouring Regions (Budapest 2014) 181-202.0Show
Poulsen 20172017M. PoulsenM. Egelund Poulsen, Bebyggelse og landbrug i overgangsperioden mellem yngre stenalder og ældre bronzealder. By, marsk og geest 29, 2017, 5-29.93Show
Ciugudean/Quinn 20152015H.Ciugudean/C. P. QuinnH.Ciugudean/C. P. Quinn, The End of the Wietenberg Culture in the Light of New 14C Dates and Its Chronological Relation towards the Noua Culture. In: RITA E. NÉMETH/BOTOND REZI (Hrsg.), Bronze Age Chronology in the Carpathian Basin. Proceedings of the international colloquium from Târgu MureŞ 2nd–4th October 2014 (Târgu Mureș 2015) 147-178.0Show
Makarowicz 20102010P. MakarowiczP. Makarowicz, Trzciniecki kra̜g kulturowy - wspólnota pograniczna Wschodu i Zachodu Europy (Poznań 2010)1Show
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Baales/Eggenstein 20112011Baales/EggensteinM. Baales/G. Eggenstein, Neu datierte menschliche Schädelfunde aus der Seseke, Kreis Unna, Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg. Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe 2010, 2011, 55-57.1Show