
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
881-900 / 913 show all
Scottish Radiocarbon Database2017Scottish Radiocarbon DatabaseScottish Radiocarbon Database3Show
Díaz-del-Río et al. 20172017P. Díaz-del-Río et al.P. Díaz-del-Río et al., Un enterramiento colectivo en cueva del III milenio AC en el centro de la Península Ibérica: el Rebollosillo (Torrelaguna, Madrid). Trabajos de Prehistoria 74, 1, 2017, 68-85.15Show
Tecco Hvala 20172017S. Tecco HvalaTECCO HVALA 2017: S. Tecco Hvala, Molnik. Pri Ljubljani v železni dobi. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 36 (Ljubljana 2017).0Show
Issenmann/Tranchant/Corrochano/Dubreucq 20172017R. Issenmann/C. Tranchant/A. Corrochano/É. DubreucqR. Issenmann/C. Tranchant/A. Corrochano/É. Dubreucq, La nécropole de Soliers 'PA.EOLE' (14). In: ANNE LEHOËRFF/MARC TALON (Hrsg.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 159-171.0Show
Reitmaier et al. 20172017T. Reitmaier/T. Doppler/A. Pike/S. Deschler-Erb/I. Hajdas/C. Walser/C. GerlingT. Reitmaier/T. Doppler/A. Pike/S. Deschler-Erb/I. Hajdas/C. Walser/C. Gerling, Alpine cattle management during the Bronze Age at Ramosch-Mottata, Switzerland. Quaternary International 2017, 1-1332Show
Poulsen 20172017M. PoulsenM. Egelund Poulsen, Bebyggelse og landbrug i overgangsperioden mellem yngre stenalder og ældre bronzealder. By, marsk og geest 29, 2017, 5-29.93Show
Billand/Le-Goff/Talon 20172017G. Billand/I. Le-Goff/M. TalonG. Billand/I. Le-Goff/M. Talon, Evolution of rites and funerary systems during the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the north-west of France In: A. LEHOËRFF/M. Talon (Hrsg.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 133-158.0Show
Bergerbrant et al. 20172017S. BergerbrantS. Bergerbrant/K. Kristiansen/M. Allentoft/K. M. Frei/T. D. Price/K.-G. Sjögren/A. Tornberg, Identifying commoners in the Early Bronze Age. Burials outside barrows. In: S. Bergerbrant/A. Wessman (Hrsg.), New perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium 9th to 13th June in Gothenburg (Oxford 2017) 37-64.71Show
Buchez et al. 20172017N. Buchez/ M. Deckers/C. Gutierrez/A. Henton/M. TalonN. Buchez/ M. Deckers/C. Gutierrez/A. Henton/M. Talon, Les découvertes récentes de mobilier céramique Bronze ancien-début Bronze final dans le nord-ouest de la France. In: A. Lehoërff/M. Talon (Eds.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers (Oxford 2017) 190-226.0Show
Ängeby 20172017G. ÄngebyG. Ängeby, Visible ships were the graves of Bronze Age ritual specialist. In: S. Bergerbrant/A. Wessman (Hrsg.), New perspectives on the Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium 9th to 13th June in Gothenburg (Oxford 2017) 65-79.6Show
AUDAUDAUDArkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark1Show
Hernández et al. e.p.e.p.Hernández et al.Hernández, Ma A./Garcia, E./Salvà, B./Fornés, J. (e.p.), "L"àrea doméstica de la unitat estratigràfîca 9 de la naveta 1 dels Closos de Can Gaià, II Jornades d"Estudis d"Historia Local de Felanitx.8Show
Gómez/Rubinos e.p. ae.p. aGómez/RubinosGómez, J. L./Rubinos, A. (e.p. a), , "Proyecto de datación del material óseo procedente de la naveta de La Cova y del hipogeo n° 3 de Llucalari (Menorca), Homenaje a W. Waldren.1Show
Gómez/Rubinos e.p. be.p. bGómez/RubinosGómez, J. L./Rubinos, A. (e.p. b), , "Proyecto de datación del material óseo procedente de la naveta de Son Morell (Menorca), Homenaje a W. Waldren.6Show
Barclay et al. forthcomingforthcomingBarclay et al.BARCLAY, A.J., BARNETT, C., MARSHALL, P./R. PELLING. forthcoming. Appendix 6: Chronology and the radiocarbon dating programme, in G. Chaffey, A.J. Barclay, C. Barnett, P. Bradley/R. Pelling (ed.) Excavations at Kingsmead Quarry, Horton (2003-2008): An Archaeological Landscape, Volume 1. Wessex Archaeological Report. Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology.0Show
Pelling forthcomingforthcomingPellingPELLING, R. forthcoming. Charred plant remains, in M. Leivers/C.A. Gibson (ed.) Later Bronze Age settlement and Iron Age cemetery: Excavations at Adanac Park, Nursling, Hampshire 2008. Hampshire Studies.0Show
Barclay/Stevens forthcomingforthcomingBarclay/StevensBARCLAY, A.J./C.J. STEVENS. forthcoming. Radiocarbon dating, in A.B Powell, A.J. Barclay, L. Mepham/C.J. Stevens (ed.) Landscape History: the development of communities in the Colne Valley. Imperial College Sports Ground and RMC Land, Harlington. Wessex Archaeological Report. Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology.0Show
Ritchie forthcomingforthcomingRitchieRITCHIE, K. forthcoming. Further Excavations at a Late Prehistoric and Roman Site at West Thurrock. Transactions of the Essex Society for Archaeology and History.0Show
Barclay/Marshall forthcoming.forthcoming.Barclay/MarshallBARCLAY, A.J./P. MARSHALL. forthcoming. Chronology and the radiocarbon dating programme, in J.I. McKinley, M. Leivers, A.J. Barclay, P. Marshall, N. Stoodley/J. Schuster (ed.) Cliffs End Farm, Isle of Thanet, Kent: A mortuary and ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon Period with evidence for long-distance maritime mobility. Wessex Archaeology Report. Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology.0Show
Bönisch im Druckim DruckBönischBÖNISCH im Druck: E. Bönisch, Kausche 6 – Familien-Bestattungsplatz der Buckelkeramik mit Beiträgen von Bärbel Heußner, Petershagen, Doris Jansen und Jutta Kneisel, Kiel. Im Druck,7Show